Cardiff Health Board have given funding to the charity Plattform to provide drop-in support for young people aged 11-18 who are experiencing emotional wellbeing and mental health issues.
'The Hangout' aims to reduce the impact of waiting lists for emotional health and wellbeing service in Cardiff. Young people are able to access immediate mental health support in a non-clinical setting whenever they need it.
If you are aware of a young person needing immediate mental health support, you can signpost them to the centre which is open every day between 3pm-9pm at 26-28 Churchill Way, CF10 2DY. The young person can just turn up, they don't need an appointment and the team there can communicate with the CAMHS teams or any other health professional if they believe the young person needs any further support.
You can signpost a young person/parent to the service, which they can access the same day or if you would rather, you can make a referral, the email is