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Hospital Tuition at Noah's Ark 

Children's Hospital for Wales

Hospital Tuition for your Child


  • Is your child between the ages of 4 and 16?

  • Have they missed 15 days of school this academic year due to being in hospital? (This can be cumulative and counts from more than one stay).

  • In your opinion, is your child well enough to access this service?

  • Are you keen to keep up your child's education in hospital?


If these apply to you, your child may be entitled to up to one hour per day, one to one tuition from the hospital teacher. 

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Following the advice of medical staff, we will meet with you to discuss your child's educational needs and set up tuition. We will work directly with your child's school to ensure continuity and consistency with your child's education.


We will arrange for a teacher to see your child for up to one hour per day, each day they are in hospital. If your child is a regular re-admission, tuition will continue on the day following their next admission.


Teaching can take place in your child's room. We are keen to continue any work provided by the school - homework included! We offer a dynamic and engaging curriculum that can suit your child's medical and educational needs.


We can discuss the appropriate level of work for your child. Tuition will be delivered at the child's pace. We will provide a learning environment that is fun - bringing a sense of normality to your child's day.

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Hospital Teacher

Isabel Thomas


Isabel is at the hospital five days a week during usual term times. She typically teaches all age ranges from Reception pupils up to those studying for GCSEs.



Hospital Tuition Services Cardiff

Noah's Ark Children's Hospital for Wales

Upper Ground Floor

Heath Park


CF14 4XW


02920 589 398 (Admin)

02921 848 820 ext 48820 (Hospital Teacher)

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