Cyfleoedd ar gyfer newid a llwyddiant
Opportunities for change and success
Time, Education, Achievement and Me
In T.E.A.Ms..
A learner's needs are assessed, reviewed and updated constantly. We work either, one to one, or with small groups, to develop the learner's literacy and numeracy. We also work with small groups of learners to develop greater competence in relation to behaviour, emotional and social skills. Bryn y Deryn and the Carnegie Centre have excellent links with external agencies including: the Local Authority (LA), specialist teachers for behaviour, the ASD Team and Speech and Language Team.
On a regular basis the T.E.A.M. work closely with educational psychologists, the LACE team, school counsellors, CAMHS, the InReach Team and various other agencies and charities. We constantly strive to build links with all avenues who are able to help and support the staff and learners within the school.