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Congratulations to one of our ex-learners, Josh Palmer!

An ex learner from Bryn y Deryn Pupil Referral Unit & The Pupil Inclusion Project, has achieved his first under 19 Wales Cap.

Josh completed Year’s 10 and 11 at the school and went onto attend Leeds University where he played rugby league for the academy. There, he attended an open trial for Wales Under 19’s who had just four spaces left on the squad.

Josh trained as hard as he could and got through. When joining the Wales team he was put through his paces in what he describes as a ‘brutal training programme’, before making his debut against Ireland in 2019 – 2020.

Since then he has achieved a further 8 caps. Reflecting on his time at the specialist programmes says;

“The Pupil Inclusion Project and Bryn y Deryn helped me with my social skills and confidence helping me realise that’s who I was, and the person who I wanted to continue to be.

“I turned my energy to rugby where I turned up every day and trained as hard as I could to be able to accomplish something.”

His success in the world of rugby demonstrates his hard work and commitment and we will all following his career.

Josh is looking forward to sharing his thoughts and experiences with children and young people, to show what can be achieved, no matter what.


Mae cyn-ddisgybl o Uned Cyfeirio Disgyblion Bryn y Deryn a'r Prosiect Cynnwys Disgyblion wedi cael ei Gap cyntaf gyda thîm dan 19 oed Cymru.

Cwblhaodd Josh Flwyddyn 10 ac 11 yn yr ysgol ac aeth ymlaen i fynychu Prifysgol Leeds lle chwaraeodd rygbi'r gynghrair i'r academi. Yno aeth i dreial agored i dîm dan 19 oed Cymru lle nad oedd ond pedwar lle gwag.

Hyfforddodd Josh mor galed ag y gallai a llwyddodd. Wrth ymuno â thîm Cymru cafodd ei roi ar brawf mewn beth mae e'n ei ddisgrifio fel 'rhaglen hyfforddi galed', cyn chwarae yn ei gêm yn erbyn Iwerddon yn 2019 - 2020.

Ers hynny mae wedi cael 8 cap arall. Wrth fyfyrio ar ei amser yn y rhaglenni arbenigol dywed

"Helpodd y Prosiect Cynnwys Disgyblion a Bryn y Deryn fi gyda fy sgiliau cymdeithasol a'm hyder a fy helpu i sylweddoli mai dyna pwy oeddwn i, a'r person roeddwn i eisiau parhau i fod.

"Troes fy egni at rygbi lle byddwn i'n mynd bob dydd ac yn hyfforddi mor galed ag y gallwn i er mwyn gallu cyflawni rhywbeth."

Mae ei lwyddiant ym myd rygbi yn dangos ei waith caled a'i ymrwymiad a byddwn ni i gyd yn dilyn ei yrfa.

Mae Josh yn bwriadu dychwelyd at y Prosiect Cynnwys Disgyblion i rannu ei fyfyrdodau a'i brofiadau gyda disgyblion eraill sydd mewn sefyllfa debyg.

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