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Cyfleoedd ar gyfer newid a llwyddiant

Opportunities for change and success 

Mathematics is more part of our everyday lives than we would think and allows us to better understand the World around us. The use of numbers and figures can be found everywhere, from cooking to medicine, to the media and shopping.


The Mathematics department seeks to create a learning environment with the highest expectations founded upon principles of cooperation and respect.  Every individual is given the opportunity to achieve their potential and to feel valued. The department aims to develop learners’ skills in line with Curriculum for Wales so that they are:


  • Ambitious capable learners

  • Enterprising, creative contributors

  • Ethical Informed citizens

  • Healthy, confident individuals


Mathematics contributes to the school curriculum by developing learner's abilities to calculate, reason logically, algebraically and geometrically, to solve problems and handle data. It is also important in everyday living, in many forms of employment and in public decision making. 


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Course Outline


Learners will follow the WJEC Entry Level and GCSE Mathematics & Numeracy courses in conjunction with each other. 


Entry Level 

To be completed in Year 10 where possible.


Unit 1 - Written Examination 

Unit 2 - End of stage test 

Unit 3 - Practical task 


GCSE Mathematics & Numeracy 

To be sat in Year 11.


Unit 1 - Written Examination 

Unit 2 - Written Examination 

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