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Careers Wales provides free and impartial careers information advice and guidance to support anyone making education or employment decisions.


They are here to help young people and adults make career plans and decisions, to move into the right training, further learning or employment opportunities.


Their services focus on supporting customers to develop self-awareness and aspirations to equip them to make effective career decisions throughout their lives.

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Please see below for more information about your Careers Wales School Delivery Team. The download link for both the English and Welsh versions can be found below.

School Account Executive (Careers Advisor)


Supports your child in their career planning to help them make informed decisions. You'll also see our Careers Advisors at school parent evenings and school events.


Your school Careers Adviser is:


Kim Hopkin


Careers and the World of Work Co-Ordinator (CWoW)


Supports your school with their Careers and the World of Work curriculum. This includes working towards our Careers Wales Mark.


Steve Lester



Business Engagement Adviser (BEA)


Helps your school to engage with employers. This improves students' awareness of the labour market and increases their understanding of the world of work.


Your school BEA is:


Adrian Cole

07931 166727

Additional Learning Needs Careers Adviser (ALN Adviser)


Supports your child in their career planning to help them make informed decisions. You'll also see our Careers Advisers at school parent evenings and school events.


Kim Hopkin



Boost your employability - make a head start on your job search with online sessions for 16-30 year olds. Please click buttons below for more information:

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